Accenture Industry X.0 Makes Another Acquisition in Digital Manufacturing

/ May 11, 2020/ Accenture, Accenture, Canada, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, M&As (small under $50m in revenues), Process

Accenture made another acquisition for its Industry X.0 unit. The newly acquired firm is Callisto Integration, a digital manufacturing specialist headquartered in Oakville, Ontario. The company has 160 employees. It provides MES services, plant control systems, and industrial IoT services. Callisto Integration has also verticalized its services and has in the US; a subsidiary MeasureTek specialized in precision farming.

Accenture is now accelerating in its expansion to industrial IT, with Callisto being its third of its kind in 12 months. The company had gained MES experience with ESP in Ireland, in the life science industry in 2019. It also acquired late last year an SAP supply chain and manufacturing specialist in France, Silveo.

Acquisition after acquisition, Accenture is complementing its geography and service portfolio in parallel to embedded systems and design services. Accenture has a disciplined approach, targeting specialist firms, with headcounts below 200.

Accenture has a clear M&A strategy. It has the financial depth that a competitor like Alten does not have, despite being the largest ER&D service pure-play. We reiterate that Accenture has the potential to disrupt the ER&D industry through Industry X.0 and its consulting and client relationships, globally.

We will continue to track the acquisitions that Industry X.0 has done since its creation here.

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